Mae La Oon Camp is an isolated refugee camp, situated on the border area of Mae Hong Son Province. In January 2010, the camp accommodated 16,265 population, of which 6,909 are female and 7,464 are male. The camp residents rely mostly on relief food and supplies from NGOs and security provided by the authorities.
The camp is accessible by the only laterite border road. In the rainy season, the laterite road has become rutted, made the traveling inconvenient and dangerous.
The Mae La Oon Camp Committee have proposed to COERR for the road improvement.
The total part of road need to be paved was
650 m. long. However, due to limited budget,
COERR has decided to construct the most critical part of 170 meters long.
During the construction, the area would be impassable for all vehicles. Any visitor to enter the camp must be dropped at the construction site and go to camp on foot. It was approximately 30 minute walk up and 20 minute walk down distance. In order to ensure that the refugee relief activities would continue while the construction is in progress, COERR has made notification to all concerned,
both NGOs and Camp Committee, in advance, so that they could prepare for necessary arrangements.
From Saturday, January 23, till Saturday, January 30, 2010, the construction work of road has been made. Details of the Work done was the pavement of the road surface with cement covering
the 170 m. long by 4 m. wide, totaling 680 sq.m. , completed by the labor of 45 refugees of
Mae La Oon Camp.